1899 Draw - January 2025
Friday, 14 February 2025

The winner of the 1 in 1000 draw is number 589, Jon Mullin. Jon wins £100. The fans draw prize of one of the new Viz Tshirts goes to Tony Cavagin. Both winners will be contacted by email.
Next month I will give an update on the size of the 1899 club and how much it is contributing to the club. Since the Open Forum and Media posts we have seen the 1899 Club grow considerably. If all new members in February set up their standing orders we will total over 350 numbers. This will equate to 21k annually. I am receiving emails daily to join,or increase payments. As our chairman has said, we need income of £120k between now and the end of the season.
Thank you to all our members who continue to support the 1899 Club. Thank you for all of the messages of support in your emails. It really shows how much Blyth Spartans means to the fans.
Howay Blyth